The BioShed Toolkit
We provide the tools to run bioinformatics within your own compute environment, so that your critical data stays with you.
BioShed OS
BioShed OS is your bioinformatics operating system in the cloud. With a few easy commands, BioShed OS sets up bioinformatics infrastructure in your own cloud / hybrid environment in 5 minutes, without any disruption of your existing infrastructure. BioShed OS handles all of the infrastructure for you and provides all the software tools you need, so you can focus on the bionformatics.
BioShed Atlas
Looking for publicly available genomic datasets, but don't know where to start? Bioshed Atlas is your answer. We have curated and provide an easy search-and-download interface to over 1M datasets across NCBI, ENCODE, TCGA and other public data repositories, saving precious time and resources - so that you can focus on the data analysis.
BioShed Shuttle
Tired of manually transferring large sequencing files? BioShed Shuttle automates the transfer of sequencing files from your sequencer or any laptop or server to your cloud storage.
BioShed Portal
BioShed Portal provides a secure, web-based interface to your sequencing data, to facilitate collaboration and file-sharing.
About BioShed
BioShed was born out of a common frustration for biotech labs around the world - bioinformatics and data scientists end up spending the majority of their time dealing with IT, infrastructure, software management, and data wrangling issues, and are not able to focus on bioinformatics and data analysis. The mission of BioShed is to take care of all of the infrastructure pain points, and provide both software and a compute environment that allows scientists to focus on their data.
We look forward to helping biotech labs around the world. Contact us at